VIDEO SERIES: Ep. 6 "Heretics - on Even More War (Ukraine)"
Just released - the SIXTH episode of this series - an illustrated reading from the very long PART 10 of the Julian Assange Archives, titled "All roads converge ... on Julian Assange"
New episode: Ep 6: “Heretics - on Even More War (Ukraine)“
This episode covers the second half of the section on regime change wars, and focuses on what we can learn from the current conflict in Ukraine - particulary from the point of view which has been heavily censored in the legacy media.
Because this episode was written in July and recorded in August 2022, it does not refer to the referenda in the breakaway regions, or subsequent events.
Watch it here:
Release date: 30 September 2022
Video platforms: [YouTube] [Bitchute] [Rumble]
Start point in the text: [Substack]
Quotes include: @raymcgovern, Jacques Baud (via @KimIversenShow), US Ambassador William J Burns (via @wikileaks), Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, President Eisenhower, Oscar Grenfell (via @WSWS), #ScottRitter, @_whitneywebb, #JulianAssange (2010, 2011, 2016)
NOTE: YouTube censored their version of Ep 3. If Ep 6 is also censored, please use the Bitchute or Rumble link given above.
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The more people who know about the real meaning of the persecution of Julian Assange, the better. Please share this series widely.
La Fleur Productions
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