VIDEO SERIES: Ep. 8 "What's Assange got to do with it?" (FINAL)
Just released - the EIGHTH (and final) episode of this series - an illustrated reading from the very long PART 10 of the Julian Assange Archives, titled "All roads converge ... on Julian Assange"
This final episode in the series looks at the relevance of the persecution of Assange to the wider issues and problems currently facing us. It begins by looking through the lens of the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse".
Watch it here:
Release date: 14 October 2022
Video platforms: [YouTube] [Bitchute] [Rumble]
Start point in the text: [Substack]
Quotes include: #CaptainBorderline, #JulianAssange (2018, 2013, 2011, 2012, 2010) @mimauseful re #KeithPiper (artist), @ClareDalyMEP, #MarleneDietrich (1965), #BillGates (via @KimIversenShow), @drvandanashiva (via @rustyrockets), @ProfStuartRees, @Jonathan_K_Cook, @StellaMoris1, @jeremycorbyn, @MaxBlumenthal, @GabrielShipton, @OborneTweets, #AdamHenry, @greekemmy, @NilsMelzer
Postscript from #TheWikiSisters
NOTE: YouTube censored their version of Ep 3. If Ep 8 is also censored, please use the Bitchute or Rumble link given above.
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The full schedule of episodes is maintained here - with links to all episodes on all platforms.
The more people who know about the real meaning of the persecution of Julian Assange, the better. Please share this series widely.
La Fleur Productions
On Twitter @LaFleurDelSur