Recommended by La Fleur Productions
This is a great initiative, and I look forward to seeing the materials gathered in this physical archive. I also heartily recommend to all those activists who participated in the international effort to Free Julian Assange (and now to Pardon Julian Assange) that they send samples of their materials to this European archive. If we don't document our own history, who will? And how will others learn from it?
This has to be the most important Health & Medicine collection of articles on Substack. Full of well documented information about successful healthcare initiatives from the past, many of which are now being rediscovered after decades of suppression by Big Pharma. It is also documents many Big Pharma initiatives that we would do well to avoid. A writer with a good heart and deep knowledge of his subject. Highly recommended to health care providers as well as to those in need of such care.
Aaron Siri works tirelessly to uphold freedoms enshrined in law, and to force public bodies that are not doing their legal duty to share information and abide by the law, to do what they are supposed to do. His candid reports are invaluable.