UPDATE: On 24 June 2024 , 1901 days after entering it, Julian Assange walked out of HMP Belmarsh a (nearly) free man. With his lawyers, he flew by private jet to the Northern Mariana Islands where , it is "anticipated that a plea will be entered and accepted on Wednesday, June 26 2024, after which the United States have undertaken to withdraw the extradition request."

Part way through chapter 32 of 'The Long Text ' of her "Revelations of Divine Love", Julian of Norwich gives her understanding of what G-d was really saying in the words she heard in her vision (recast here in modern English):

"All shall be well. You shall see yourself that all things shall be well. That which is impossible for you is not impossible for me. I shall keep my word in all things and I shall make all things well."

While there is still much to do in protecting freedom of speech and freedom of the press, at least in some sense, "All is now well". We pray this is only the first step in the process of saving our world from those who wish evil on it, and who have practised evil on Julian Assange.

Much love to Julian and Stella and the children, and to all who help this happy day to come about.

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UPDATE: On 31 May 2022, Consortium News produced a very good review of Julian Assange’s life in the Ecuadorian Embassy, including interviews with Fidel Narváez and Emmy Butlin (from JADC, the group that maintained vigils outside the embassy for the whole of Julian’s time inside).


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Thank you for such an insightful and warm look at the two Julians

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